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Learn to cook for a better life ✨


Jamie + Elle Ryder 

Sharing recipe inspo and simplifying plant-based nutrition.

Plant good habits one week at a time. 

Imagine what would happen if you practiced something 52 times over the course of a year? 

You'd get pretty dang good at it, that's what! In fact, it would almost become automated.

This is the key to living a vibrant, better life. Creating better habits - just a little at a time - until they become second nature.


It opens up life's truth: you are free and limitless. 

I teach people how to cook whole plant foods that are:

  • tasty (let's be real, that's the most important to many of us!)

  • simple enough to make (even for cooking newbies)

  • gets the highest quality food into you 

I'm certified in plant-based nutrition by two of the most credible teams in the plant-based space, and I'm living proof of a better life which largely comes from simply cooking and eating nature-made food.

My little fam drives me to keep up my good habits. What drives you? 


When I first went plant-based, it was really tough. I realized I was battling an addiction to food 😩 (to meat, and especially cheese and eggs - my favorites!).


New habits needed to be formed and it started by eating whole plants during the week, and eating whatever I wanted on the weekends.  🍔🍟

This was pretty extreme for me but I had my husband pushing us who was formerly a vegetarian for many years. I was resentful at first...

Over time, I didn't want to eat any meat on the weekends since I felt terrible afterward (congestion, my eczema immediately flared up and I generally felt like absolute crap), so I went completely plant-based and never felt better. 


I understood that when we fuel our bodies with the right stuff, it simply functions as it should - like superhumans. I lost weight; healed my eczema, recovered remarkably faster after workouts; looked younger (!!!), and the most amazing change was my eyesight improving - my eye doctor lowered my prescription by an entire power. And these are just some of the changes.

Science shows us that our bodies are exceptional at healing themselves - we just need to set the right environment for them to do what they naturally do.

Meal planning, practicing in the kitchen, taking it just one week at a time, being good to yourself, and ideally doing this with a friend. These are the winning elements that may change your life


P L A N T 5 2:

  • Incorporates a winning best practice for meal planning

  • Includes comfort foods that we already know and love

  • Is especially helpful for those new to plant-based nutrition

When I first transitioned, I filled my brain with knowledge because it was both fascinating and frustrating that this information isn't widely known (I started off knowing nothing!). It was inspiring to learn more and the knowledge made it much easier to say no to harmful food that leads to chronic illness. The biggest hurdle for me was knowing exactly what in the world to eat which is why PLANT52 exists.

What Exactly Do We Eat?

Simply put - whole plant foods that you love.


Plant-based nutrition transformed me into a completely new human. I believe I was able to conceive and have a healthy baby girl because of the power of plants. And because I've had a lifetime of really bad habits, I want to maintain the good ones so I'm around for my family for as long as possible. My mission in this chapter of my life is to share this superpower with others - the superpower of healing yourself. You deserve it.

Become a Plant-Based Expert

In 2012, I got certified in plant-based nutrition by T Colin Campbell's Center for Nutrition Studies. This is a professional course created and managed by bio-scientists, professors, and experts in their fields of work. I never expected it, but it changed my life (and helped my friends and family in ways I still can't believe). I also completed Dr. John McDougall's The Starch Solution certification which is another excellent resource.

It was challenging learning this content as someone who isn't science-y, so I love to sum up the most amazing things I learned about the human body to make it easy to understand.


PLANT52 isn't about being 100% perfect. It's hard to be 100% of anything but it's awesome doing your best, which means giving it everything you've got. The payoff far outweighs the work you put into it.

Cheers to positive change, healthful new habits, and living a full life with the natural power of plant-based nutrition.  ✌️💓

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The information on this site ("Content") is intended for general education and informational purposes only. It is not intended as medical advice or to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Always consult a qualified physician for diagnosis and treatment of any health condition.

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